
Monday, February 02, 2015

Two old shortwave favorites heard again

This morning's round of logs from Cumbre DX, brought back two stations DXers have not logged in some time. Special thanks to Dave Valko, for sharing his logs with the shortwave community

(logs slightly edited for clarity)

All times UTC

3289.975    Voice of Guyana   Heard amid utility station,  first noted at 0118. 'Middle-of-the road' style music with vocalist at 0331 recheck. Quite readable at 0336, and at 0337 with Johnny Mathis-like song, and another at 0346-0348. Then 'Last Date' by Floyd Cramer, cutoff, and into a different song.  'Last Date' began again at 0357 and deep-voiced male announcer sounding like a Caribbean accent.  'Goodbye to Love' tune at 0328 by the Carpenters then woman announcer at 0359 (probably the pre- top-of-the hour BBC promo. Time ticks at 0400, and BBC news and heard on //9460.  Came back later when the electricity was out due to an ice storm and found the frequency clear of the utility station, and woman announcer in English with religious program at 0804.  Hindi music at 0815 -recheck then tried to air a religious program, but the audio was cutting out badly. Deep-voiced announcer at 0829 with station ID and apologized, then choral national anthem at  0830. Different male announcer at 0831 and then what appeared to be the Qu'ran. Into a Pop music program with a DJ host. Signal fading by 0840. Station ID at 0848. Nice to have them back on shortwave. (Valko/PA/2 Feb.)

4989.99 Radio Apintie. Woman announcer at 0308 as I tuned in, then into slow romantic ballad by woman vocalist - sounding like Celine Dion. At 0315 woman DJ returned, then canned announcement and back to music. Nice canned ID at 0418:20 Another mention of Radio Apintie at 0435:35.  (Valko/PA/2 Feb.)
(Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot triangular Delta Loop)