
Friday, April 17, 2015

QSL of the Week - Panaji

AIR Panaji (GOA) QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection)
As our QSL of the week, we turn to Jose Jacob VU2JOS at Hyderabad in India again and the QSL letter that he received from the large shortwave station located near Panaji in what was the Portuguese territory of Goa.  

On April 15, 1995, Jose heard this new station for the first time at 9:50 am on 15290 kHz, and he posted his report to the station in Goa, but no reply was forthcoming.

Over a period of time, Jose submitted this reception report several times to the station by post, but always without receiving a response.  Finally, he sent the reception report to his radio friend in Goa, Flavio Reposo and asked him deliver the report to the station in person.  In response Jose received a QSL letter from AIR Panaji which was verified by the Assistant Engineer, All India Radio Panaji, Mr G. N. Shetti.  It is understood that this QSL letter was the first issued from this station.
These days, AIR Panaji is on the air shortwave with the use of two BBC transmitters at 250 kW each, and QSL cards can be obtained in the usual way from the AIR head office in New Delhi.