
Monday, June 08, 2015

HFCC Conference slated for Brisbane, Australia

Brisbane Skyline (wikipedia)

The HFCC conference is being held this year in Brisbane from the 24th to the 26th August, 2015. This has attracted Jeff White from WRMI fame. Jeff as you know runs transmitters from Florida for years, and has also taken over WYFR transmitters. This I think makes Jeff the biggest
private owner on shortwave, (non-government).
(ARDXC ADXNews magazine #581 June, June 4)

Sightseeing tour to Kurrajong Military Radio museum.
50th Anniversary of the Australian Radio DX Club inc (Vic), Reg A0011728G.

A lot of snaps of ARDXC history from 1971 to 2001 print out in new ARDXC ADX News magazine #581 June, June 4.

Days of celebration! Choose what you want to do! We have a booking sheet, so it's first in!
No booking if only coming for the AGM. The AGM Luncheon for those that want to stay on, after the AGM, and the wildlife sanctuary, we do need payments up front.

Saturday 29th August 2015.

The "Tour", of the Kurrajong Military Radio Museum.
842 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong.

Gather at 1 pm. Parking is inside the gate. There is a fee of $10-00 each, however the museum to operate especially for the past two years, the electricity bill is not cheap.

The tour lasts 4 hours!
Ian has a huge area, and the tour includes audio and visual presentations, along with the tour of the radio museum. Bring your camera, or camera phone. Partners, wives, etc, are invited as there something for everyone. Ian's number is 02 45730601.

Saturday 29th August 2015, Ian O'Tooles museum. Yes I will be attending, please write in name/s.
Name of member
Cost per person $10-00.

You can pay by money order or cheque, made out to the "Australian Radio DX Club Inc". Credit cards Visa or Mastercard (circle one).
You can mail this to
John Wright, ARDXC, ... NSW Australia. {address truncated, wb.}

Or email to John Wright email address is
dxer1234 -at-
(ARDXC ADXNews magazine #581 June, June 4)
(BCDX/Top News # 1210)