
Thursday, June 04, 2015

Indian DX Report

Hello  everyone and welcome to Indian DX Report for the month of May 2015.
            In the beginning today, I would like to convey my deepest condolences to the people of Nepal and my thoughts and prayers to all those affected in the recent disastrous earthquake in that country. During this emergency, Radio Nepal is playing a vital role in conveying updates and messages among the people of that Himalayan nation. I am following  Radio Nepal on MW 792 kHz with fair reception between 1300 to 1530 UTC and sometimes beyond that.
            Here are my monitoring for some popular English transmissions of few international stations.
            NHK World Radio Japan was heard with English transmission between 1200 to 1230 UTC on 11740 kHz with good signal strength and audible reception. The same transmission was also heard again between 1400 to 1430 UTC 11705 kHz with nice reception too.
            Radio Taiwan International in English was heard on 6180 kHz between 1600 to 1700 UTC with fair and audible reception.
            KBS World Radio English service is coming good in Eastern India on 9515 kHz between 1600 to 1700 UTC. The same transmission is also heard with nice reception quality on 7275 kHz between 1800 to 1900 UTC.
            Radio Myanmar in English is coming nicely on 9730 kHz between 0700 to 0730 UTC.
            Radio Thailand in English is heard regularly between  ZERO hour UTC to 0100 UTC on 15590 kHz.
            Vatican Radio in English was heard between 1530 to 1600 UTC on 15470 kHz with fair to good reception quality.
            Radio Romania International was heard between 0300 to 0400 UTC on 11825 kHz with fair and audible reception.
            Radio New Zealand International on 9700 kHz between 1100 to 1200 UTC was heard nicely here in my QTH. 
            And friends, with this I would like to conclude this edition of Indian DX Report and I hope itll be useful to you.  For correct postal reception reports for this edition of IDXR we'll be issuing our special QSLs.  Please send your reception reports and feedback to:-  
                        INDIAN DX REPORT
                        C/O. PRITHWIRAJ PURKAYASTHA
                        PUB BONGALPUKHURI, BY LANE- 4
                        ASSAM (INDIA)
or you can send your comments and feedback at  Until next time friends its good bye and 73s from Assam. 

 (AWR-Wavescan/NSW 327)