
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Arnie Coro predicts very good tropical band conditions

Jose Miguel Romero and playdx posted the following from Arnio Coro of Radio Havana Cuba.

Arnaldo Coro 

Tropical Bands Conditions are expected to be very good for the next few weeks as we enter into the equinoctial DX period.... Cuba has 4765 kHz Radio Progreso,,, 5025 kHz Radio Rebelde and 5040 kHz Radio Habana Cuba, and I am still working with my colleagues at Radio Cuba to start broadcasting once again on the 90 meters Tropical Band... Suggested frequencies 3350 and 3365 ... and you can send your suggestion to 

This is an old SNIEG air cooled transmitter that we will run at around 30 kiloWatts into a NVIS dipole antenna... operation planned for between local sunset and about two o'clock in the morning local time. Reports for RHC 5040 kHz can be sent to arnie at rhc dot cu, and will be replied with a nice newly printed QSL card ... 73 and DX Arnie Coro CO2KK host of Dxers Unlimited Radio Havana Cuba