
Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Radio More ("Sea") begins broadcasting in Crimea


Radio “More” ( "Sea") has started broadcasting in Crimea. Radio "More" symbolically began broadcasting in Simferopol, Sevastopol and Kerch, Jul 27 - Day of the Navy of Russia. This Kryminformu the chief editor of the ANO "SEC" Crimea "Vadim top. 

According to him, the day of the launch of ether listeners waited unexpected program. "In the studio of radio" More "was a real live famous Crimean groups. The sounds of guitar and harp voices diluted the most cheerful DJs, - he said. - Characteristically, leading, following the general style of "waves", dressed in vest and air studio "sea" now adorns the real flag of St. Andrew. "

First Vadim said that the radio will broadcast in Simferopol at a frequency of 100.6 FM, in Sevastopol - on 90.4 FM, Kerch - at 100.3 FM. "In our plans - expansion of coverage, covering the whole of the Crimea", - he added. According to the chief editor of the dispenser, the content of the radio station is designed for the widest audience. "Radio will be interesting to all - visitors and residents of the Crimea Peninsula. In the program, telling about the Crimea and the "show" its spectacular beauty, - he said. - It is noteworthy that the greetings and congratulations can be transmitted every hour, which creates a feeling of endless holiday. "

Radio station also provides novostiynye issues. "At the beginning of each hour news broadcast, which is also very different from what can be heard in other broadcast stations. 100 seconds, only the most important information, without further ado, and the details, "- said the first. The team of "Sea" work not only well-known Crimean leaders - Vyacheslav Petrov, Peter Sinitsyn, Julia Paradise, Jack Gutenko other, but who came from St. Petersburg Marina Belkin. Radio "More" is part of the ANO "SEC" Crimea ", along with the TV channel" First Crimea "and" Crimea 24 ", as well as radio stations," Crimea "and" Krym.Tochka." (, via, in RUS-DX No. 831, Aug 02)

 (DX Window # 535)