
Tuesday, September 01, 2015

QSL Report: September 2015

by Gayle Van Horn W4GVH

In case you haven't noticed, radio conditions on shortwave and medium wave are improving as the "DX Season" nears. Two months ago, it was all about high levels of summer static, propagation that tested our patience, and fighting almost daily pop-up thunderstorms.

Fast forward to September. Twilight and nighttime patterns have improved and will continue to do so as longer darkness paths provide an extended time in which to band scan. Africa will begin to fade in earlier, improving prior to 0000 UTC, followed by South America and Europe. Depending on your location, Indonesia and east Asia are being heard beginning at twilight in the evening, and anytime from 0800-1500 UTC.

Medium wave hobbyists are also noticing improvements. As autumn and winter nears, cross country signals fade in for prime listening earlier in the afternoon and early in the morning. Good luck with your DXing and QSL quest. Logging observations or QSLing contributions are always welcome here at Shortwave Central. Share your results with our worldwide audience at: w4gh  at  frontier. com

QSL collectors are reminded that Radio Free Asia will continue to offer full data verifications commemorating their 18th Anniversary. RFA continues their commitment to bring news, commentary and cultural programming to Asian countries, where accurate and timely news reports are unavailable. RFA reception reports may be submitted online by following the QSL Reports link at: or email to Send your postal reports to: Reception Reports, Radio Free Asia, 2025 M Street NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036 USA. The anniversary card will be used to confirm all valid reception reports through December 31, 2015.

Shelly Martin, Listener Correspondent of station Reach Beyond Australia, sends in the following to hobbyists. ”Hi listeners of Reach Beyond Australia. I just wanted to let you know that we will be closing down this email soon. Can you please send all future reception reports and other correspondence to: Happy listening! Blessings. Post your report details online at:

Rudolf Grimm offers a "QSL-Window" on his blogspot. This is a list of electronic addresses and postal addresses for outgoing reception reports and receiving cards or letters of confirmation. Rudolf states, "this is not a copy from endless lists of emails disclosed on the Internet or from known publications. This is the result of the action of listening and seeking results since 2010". Please go to:, under "QSL.window

Martin Schoech has updated his QIP Page, in various file types. This website has plenty of information of QSLs he has collected through the years. For additional information, go to:

Amateur Radio

Albania-ON6NB, 17 meters. Full data antenna display card for Belgian DXpedition to Albania. The back of the card show NB-DX Team/Radio Club Grimbergen. Received via ARRL burea package in 180 days. (Larry Van Horn N5FPW/NC)
Germany-DL9CW, JT65, 14.917 MHz. Full data satellite photo of aurora borealis, signed by station operator. Received via ARRL bureau package in 180 days. (Van Horn)
Jordan-JY4CI, 19 MHz RTTY. Full data globe card, stamped and signed by Rafiq Farmawi. Received via ARRL burea package in 180 days. (Van Horn)

(courtesy of Larry Zamora)
United States-W4K, 14250 kHz. Full data color card of bunker tower built by the CCC in 1935, unsigned. Received in ten days for a SWL report and a SASE (used for reply). QSL address: AEQ9, 288 Liberty Lane, Anniston, AL 36207 USA (Larry Zamora, Garland, TX)

Radio Dialogue via Zimbabwe, 12105 kHz. Full data E-QSL letter with color leopard logo-Radio Dialogue Giving You a Voice, from Miss Thabiso for Mrs Debra Mabunda of Radio Dialogue. Received in 135 days after follow-up report, $2.00US, prepared QSL card and SAE in nested Euro envelope. Initial logging Sept. 8, 2014. Postal address: Mrs. Debra Mabunda, Radio Dialogue, Box FM 100, Famona, Bulwayo, Zimbabwe. E-QSL received from: (Gayle Van Horn W4GVH/NC)

Transnistria/Prednestrovia, Moldova-Denge Kurdistan 11600 kHz. E-QSL received from Radioteletsentr in Transnistria, Maiac Grigoriopol. Program details to: Sergey Omelchenko-Technicial Director of OA (Anatoly Klepov, Russia/RUSdx)

Euro Free Radio
Radio Studio 52, 6423 kHz. E-QSL with three attached no-data sheets showing the transmitter, map of Netherlands and a stylized radio receiver. Received in seven days from Not, in my opinion a verification,as there is no mention of my reception. (Antonello Napolitano, Taranto, Italy/playdx)
Goldrausch, 6070 kHz. E-QSL from Eckhard “Hannibal” Heuermann. Received in one day. Email contact: (Kurt Enders/HCDX)

Euro FM 
France-Eifelradio Bitburg, 87.80 MHz. Verification letter, prepared QSL card, signed by Seppl Pauli, plus sticker. Received in four weeks. QSL address: Charles Lindbergh-Alee 6, 54634 Bitburg, France (Norbert Reiner, Germany/playdx)
Germany-Radio Homburg, 89.60 MHz. Prepared QSL card verified. Received in two weeks. QSL address: Eisenbahnstrasse 2, 66424 Homburg/Saar, Germany (Reiner).
Germany-Radio Merzig 105.10 MHz. E-QSL from Stephen Klein, Moderation Produktion-Redaktionsleitung. Received in two weeks for program details to: (Reiner).
Switzerland-LandLiebe Radio Zurich 188.928 MHz-Ch. 7A. Prepared QSL card returned as verified. Received in three weeks. QSL address: c/o Energy Schweiz AG, Krezstrasse 66, 8008 Zuerich, Switzerland (Reiner).
Switzerland-Radio Bern 1, 197.648 (Ch. 8B). Prepared QSL card, signed by Susanne Zimmermann-Sekretariat Disposition. Received in two weeks. QSL address: Damnweg 9, Postfach, 3002 Bern, Switzerland.

Nordam Radio, 6005 kHz via Kall-Krekel transmitter. E-QSL responding about delay in answering, from Daniel Koehler. Received in six months. (Ed Kusalik, Canada)

Radio HCJB Deutschland, 3995 kHz. Full data QSL, signed by J. Sinning. Received in 491 days for report and one IRC. QSL address: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Radio HCJB e.V., Postfach 8025, D-32736 Detmold, Germany. (Enders) Email contact: Website: 

Trans World Radio, 15280 kHz. E-QSL from Kathy Gregowske, plus station schedule. Received in 11 days. Reception report posted online at: (Enders)

All India Radio External Service (Panaji, Goa) 15210 kHz. E-QSL from Savio de Noronha-AIR FM Rainbow. Received in 65 days after follow up report. Veri-signer email: (Vashek Korinek/playdx)

Voice of Indonesia, 9526 kHz. Station QSL card depicting traditional houses made of Papuans timber. Received for e-report to: (Dmitry Kutuzov-RUS, RUSdx/WWDXC Top Nx 1214) Station website:

RTM Malaysia QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection)
RTM Malaysia-Sarawak, 9835 kHz. Full data station QSL card. Received in 47 days, for an email report to:; (Napolitano).

Medium Wave
Argentina-Radio Melody via Radio America, San Jose, Entre Rios, 1630 kHz. Prepared QSL card, station QSL card signed by Armando Pietroboni, Director de Radio America, plus tourist material. Received in 57 days after follow-up. Station address: Chacabuco 1514, (E3283AWB), San Jose, Argentina (Korinek)
Brazil-Radio Cruzeiro de Bahia, Salvador, 590 kHz. E-QSL from Fernando Vieira de Souza, Gerente Administrativo. Received in 16 days after follow-up report to: ((Korinek)
Brazil-Radio Relogio Musical, Recife, PE, 1120 kHz. E-QSL from Marcelo Goggin. Received in 25 days for an e-report to (Korinek)
Brazil-Radio Rural, Natal RN, 1090 kHz. E-QSL from Rosiane Marques. Received in 28 for e-report to (Korinek)
Czech Republic-Cesky Impuls, Prague 981 kHz. Full data QSL Certificate and personal letter from Erika Guntherova, PR Manager. Received in 32 days for an e-report (Korinek)
Czech Republic-QSL-cards received from the Russian service of Radio Praguevia Moscow MW relay site. 738 kHz. QSL featured Czech technical landmarks of Cesky Krumlov – revolving auditorium, South Bohemia. 650-capacity auditorium located in Baroque Chateau Garden, built in 1958.(Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx)
Spain-RNE Toledo, 864 kHz. E-QSL from Francisco Javier Alonso Martinez. Received in 29 days. Contact email: (Korinek)
United States-WPLA Dry Branch, Georgia, 1670 kHz. E-mail response from James Gay, Director of Engineering. Received in 193 days. Contact email: (Korinek). Interesting he heard this station. WPLA, a local Fox Sports format, serves the Macon, Georgia area during the day and the southeast United States at night. SDR perhaps ?  Real audio is available at Tune-in: 

Moldova (Transnistria/Prednestrovie)
Prednestrovie, program Radyoya Denge Kyrdistane, 11600 kHz, Radioteletsentr located in Transnistria, Maiac Grigoriopol village. The station broadcasts on medium wave and shortwave, as well as several television channels. Technical Director of OA "PRTTS" Sergey Omelchenko E-mail: (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx)

Vatican Radio relay via Palauig-Zambalas, 11695 kHz. Full data card with site notation, unsigned. Received in 114 days for postal report. QSL address: Piazza Pia 3, 1-00120 Vatican City State (Kusalik) Station website with streaming audio 

United Kingdom-BBC Radio Ulster, 1341 kHz. No data letter with script noted as; “I was pleased to read that you were able to receive Radio Ulster from Germany, and enjoyed what you heard. Unfortunately we no longer issue QSL cards. However, you can of course treat this letter as a verification of your reception.” Kind regards, Jamie Sherrard-BBC Audience Services. Received in 71 days (Uwe Sennewald, Germany/playdx)

International Radio Serbia QSL (Gayle Van Horn Collection)
International Radio Serbia, 6100 kHz. Full data color Listener's Club card of studio building, unsigned. Enclosed note stating their planned closure of Radio Serbia on shortwave, Internet and satellite. Received in 187 days after follow-up report, $2.00US, prepared card (not used), SAE (not used) and souvenir postcard. Initial logging October 7, 2014. QSL address: Medunarodni Radio Serbia, P.O. Box 200, Hilandarska 2, 11000 Beograd, Serbia. Pleased to receive their QSL, four days prior to their  close down. (Van Horn)

United States
Echo of Europe relay via WRMI Okeechobee, Florida, 11580 kHz. Full data QSL card featuring plot diagram of WRMI antenna locations and azimuths, plus building site. Signed by Jeff White. Received in seven days via postal mail from follow-up, for original e-report. (Van Horn)
Radio Ukraine International relay via WRMI Okeechobee, Florida, 11580 kHz. Full data color QSL card/photo of a palm hammock in Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park, signed by Jeff White. Received in seven days via postal mail from follow-up, for original e-report. (Van Horn) thanks, Jeff

Canary Island-ARINC HFDL, 1138 kHz. AENA (local partner). My prepared QSL card returned, signed by Enrique Gishera, Canary Island ACC Director. Received in 22 days for a Spanish utility report and a SASE. QSL address: AENA, Dirección Regional de Navegación Aérea Región Canarias, Jefe de Aeronautical Station “Canarias Radio”, Centro Control de Trásito Aéreo de Canarias, Apartado de Correos n°69, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (Spain) (Bruce Portzer, WA/UDXF)

ELUH7, Sea Launch Commander 12577 kHz DSC (digital selective calling), Prepared verification form confirmed. Received in seven months for SASE. Location was Long Beach California. (Martin Flotz, CA/UDXF)

USACE District Office, Atten: Jim Pogue, Public Affairs Office, Room B-202, 167 N. Main St., Memphis, TN 38103-1894 USA. Bill includes, "nobody has a better verification record for AFD tests than Jim Pogue and the Memphis Army Corps of Engineers." (Bill Wilkins, MO).

Hong Kong-MRCC, 16804.5 kHz. Full data E-QSL, signed by Cheng Kwok Sum, Assistant Engineer, Cape D-Aguilar Radio Station, Radio Operations. Received in 16 days for an e-report to: (Portzer).

Senegal-6WW Dakar 12857 kHz. Prepared QSL card returned, signed by Le maitre principal Andre D'Almeida, Chef BAI/LSHR de la DIRISI Dakar. Received in 53 days for a French postal report for a STANAG 4825 test loop. Return address on envelope as; Quartier Geille, DIRISI Dakar, Boite Postal 3024, Dakar, Senegal. (Portzer)

Utility/Ship Traffic
DSC - Digital selective calling
Ship addresses may be obtained by an MMSI search at 

Mein Schiff 3 (
9HA3062-Mein Schiff 3 (Cruise Ship) MMSI 22909000, 2187,5 kHz DSC. Full data QSL and prepared verification letter confirmed. Received in 28 days after follow-up (Andy Ibold/UDXF).

2BKR2-Kingdom of Fife (Anchor Handling Supply vessel) MMSI 235066953, 2187, 5 kHz DSC. Full data QSL and prepared verification letter confirmed. Received in 40 days (Ibold).

C6W6-Toisa Intrepid (Supply vessel) MMSI 308621000, 2187,5 kHz DSC. Full data QSL and prepared verification letter confirmed. Received in 61 days. Ship position Aberdeen Anchorage (Ibold).

LAXM-Siem Opal (Anchor Handling Supply Tug) MMSI 259700400, 2187,5 kHz DSC. Full data QSL and prepared verification letter confirmed. Sticker and ID-card enclosed. Received in 1,007 days ! (Ibold).

MJCE3-Isle of Mull (Ferry) MMSI 232343000, 2187,5 kHz DSC. Full data QSL and prepared verification letter confirmed. Received in 23 days (Ibold).

PENA-Ham 601 (Stone Dumping vessel) MMSI 244972000, 2187,5 kHz DSC. Full data QSL and prepared verification letter confirmed. Received in 43 days. Ship position, Roompot in southwest Netherlands (Ibold).

V7IJ5-FSO Africa (Floating Production Storage & Offloading) MMSI 538002388, 2187, 5 kHz DSC. Full data QSL and prepared verification letter confirmed. Received in 155 days (Ibold)

ZDIA4-Fugro Gauss (Research Vessel) MMSI 236403000, 2187,5 kHz DSC. Full data QSL and prepared verification letter confirmed. Received in 13 days (Ibold).

SW Email/Address Updates
AWR/Wavescan Adventist World Radio, Box 29235, Indianpolis, IN 46229 USA
Evangelische Missionsgemeinden, Launburger Str. 12, 51709 Marienheide, Germany
La Voix du Sahel ORTN, Mr. Laouali Maraka, Technicial Director, Boite Postal 361, Niamey, Niger
Overcomer Ministry/Bro. Stair
Radio Dunamis
Radio Free Asia, 2025 M. Street NW, Washington, DC 22036
Radio Luz y Sonido, Luis Condezo, Jiron 2 de Mayo 1286, Oficinas 308, Huanuco, Peru
Voice of Nigeria

Radio Tidalwave QSL (Artur Fernandez Llorella)
Euro Free Radio
Atlantic 2000
EMR via Channel 292 (U.K.)
Hit Mix R  (Germany)
Laser Hot Hits (U.K.)
Mustang R (Netherlands
R Adelaar
R Anthony (Poland)
R Batavia
R Blauwe Panter (Netherlands)
R Borderhunter
R Calimero (Netherlands)
R Carrierwave
R Casanova (Netherlands)
R DARD (Germany)
R Digital
R Europe (Italy)
R Europe (U.K.)
R Focus Int'l (U.K.)
R Gloria
R Joey
R Marabu (Germany)
R Mi Amigo (Spain)
R Montferland
R Nora
R Pioneer
R Python
R Sluwe Vos (Netherlands)
R Studio 54  (Netherlands)
R Tango Italia (Italy)
R Tidalwave (Netherlands)
R Time
R Tower
R Underground
Shortwave Gold
Stargate R
Superclan R
Technicial Man (Netherlands)
R Zwarte Panther
(Uwe Sennewald/playdx # 1654/Artur Fernandez Llorella, Roberto Pavanello/playdx)