
Friday, February 19, 2016

Report of the Week returns to shortwave February 20

Special thanks to John, and his return to shortwave. Teak Publishing welcomes you back to realm of shortwave !
Gayle Van Horn

To shortwave listeners.....

My You Tube channel focuses primarily on reviews of popular fast food items and while this may seem irrelevant at first, this actually is a major part of the broadcast. The channel name is "TheReportOfTheWeek".

Over years, this channel has built up a following of 43,000 subscribed individuals and come February 20th, my channel will have existed and been in operation for 5 years now. 

Aside from reviews though, I also run a "talk" program known as VORW or "Voice of theReportoftheWeek" in which I discuss current events, read listener letters and heavily promote my very favorite hobby, shortwave radio. 

I try my very best to educate my audience (most of whom are in their 20s) about shortwave radio, and I have successfully sprouted several dozen new shortwave listeners and enthusiasts. 

It was a dream to get this show onto shortwave radio and that dream was achieved in 2015.The VORW program was broadcast weekly on 7490 kHz and 5110 kHz via WBCQ from January - July of 2015. 

Thanks to listener funding, I will again be on the air this Saturday to commemorate the five year anniversary of the channel, on my favorite medium of all and it will feature talk about shortwave radio, current events, discussion regarding the YouTube channel and its history, and it will also feature an eclectic variety of western music, past and present. 

The schedule for the transmission is as follows:

February 20 - 2016

WBCQ - 7490 kHz - 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Eastern 2100 - 2200 UTC 
WRMI - 7570 kHz - 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern 0100 - 0200 UTC 

Any reception reports will be met with an E-QSL card and can be sent to 

All the best,

John (TheReportOfTheWeek)