
Monday, March 14, 2016

New SDR available from India

Have you ever wanted to listen to HF bands from India ? Don't have a HF receiver and antenna? Out of town and miss listening to the bands ? Or just trying to test your new transmitter?

Your needs have been answered !

We are proud to introduce to you, South Asia and India's first WebSDR!, a mirror to your own transmissions ! (A WebSDR is a Software-Defined Radio receiver connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously)

The web service will be available to all via from March 13th! (running on testing mode now) We have a 30 user limit now. If u are not able to access, refresh window.

Current Hardware is a LinuxMint server with VUSDR from Dr Naidu. Antenna is an Inverted V at ~45m MSL Currently this is in the testing mode and we are planning to add more bands and spectrum later.

Chrome browser is working with android perfectly, iOs Safari will work only on mobile mode of site and also needed to be enabled "iOS audio start" button which comes near to the Waterfall
Linux/Windows users: Select HTML5 and if audio wont come up. Check whether the audio device is busy on playing music or some audio application. Android app PocketRxTX support is coming up
Mac: Not tested so far
Default configuration of the site is done to 7070LSB for PC users, Mob-site configuration yet to do :)
 Our team :  Ragav VU3VWR,SureshVU2XSK,Kaviyarasu, Myself VU2XPK and Saro VU3OBR  
Hope you will like it, expecting your feedback's!
Thanks and 73,
 Sinosh Pushparajan

SIARS (South India Amateur Radio Society)