
Tuesday, May 03, 2016

The New Madagascar World Voice

At 4:00 am Madagascar time on March 27, 2016, on an island off the south east coast of Africa, World Christian Broadcasting’s second station Madagascar World Voice began transmitting.  Ten years ago, construction of the station began and in spite of delays too numerous to mention, the sign on day finally took place.
            When the switch was flipped on, a two way Skype transmission enabled friends of the ministry in Franklin TN at the World Christian Broadcasting programming center and at Anchor Point Alaska at KNLS, to see what was happening at the new station.  A standing room only crowd gathered in Franklin to be a part of this momentous event.  

The ministry’s first station KNLS has been on the air since 1983.

Within just a few hours, the station began receiving emails from people all over the world who picked up the signal from Madagascar.  They heard from shortwave enthusiasts in Sri Lanka, India, Russia, Finland, England, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Italy, Colombia, Sweden, and points in the United States from Massachusetts to California.
            One man wrote that his first QSL was from KNLS 30 years ago.  They sent him a mini red Bible that he still has to this day.  Another listener in Kursk Russia wrote: I am listening to your broadcast and it feels good in my soul.
            The construction work at Madagascar World Voice was delayed numerous times over the past decade due mainly to a coup d’etat in Madagascar together with the resulting political chaos that went on for years.  However, finally a new government came into power on the island and they approved the final phases of the station’s construction. 

            Madagascar World Voice is broadcasting not only to Africa, but also to India, Russia, the Middle East, Europe, China and even South America.  World Christian Broadcasting has long been transmitting to China from KNLS in Alaska, but they have now begun a new broadcasts to China via Madagascar also.
            And while World Christian Broadcasting has been transmitting Spanish to Latin America through paid air time on stations in the western hemisphere, they are now endeavoring to do so from Madagascar as well.  Their Spanish programming is called La Voz de Alegria, The Happy Voice.  La Voz de Alegria in Spanish is produced by Rex Morgan in the Miami area, and it is broadcast from Madagascar World Voice to the Americas.
            Scheduling for the new Madagascar World Voice:-
                        MN00 - 0100   9600    English            India
                        0100 - 0200     9665    English            India
                        0200 - 0300     6190    Spanish           South America
                        0300 - 0400     6150    Spanish           Americas
                        0400 - 0500     9480    English            Africa
                        1700 - 1800     9570    Russian           Russia
                        1800 - 1900  17640     English            Africa
                        1900 - 2000  11945     Arabic              Iran
                        2000 - 2100  13710     Arabic              Egypt
                        2100 - 2200  11615     Chinese           Europe
                        2200 - 2300     9455    Chinese           China
                        2200 - 2300 11770      Arabic              North America
                        2300 - MN00   9535    Chinese           China  
            Charles Caudill: It was a long time coming, but here we are!
(AWR/Wavescan/NWS 373)