
Saturday, June 18, 2016

New Publication from Teak Publishing

Gayle Van Horn at Teak Publishing in North Carolina, informs us that the Summer Edition of the twice annual publication International Shortwave Broadcast Guide is now available.  This regular shortwave program guide lists the programming of all known shortwave stations in an hourly format according to frequency.
            The news release from Teak Publishing states that more than 300 languages and dialects can be a heard on the air shortwave and this programming presents local and international news and information, as well as cultural motifs and music.  This remarkable totality of shortwave programming presents insight and information from all parts of the world that is just not available via any other electronic medium. 
            This new Summer edition of the International Shortwave Guide is the sixth since its inception, and it contains several items of new information, in addition to the multiple pages of program listings.   New in this edition is a lead story on clandestine broadcasting, and also a special feature on Who’s Who in the shortwave spectrum.
            Also new in this edition is the addition of frequency and station coverage for the radio stations that are broadcasting in the longwave band, as well as international programming that is heard from powerful radio stations that are broadcasting on mediumwave.  All chronohertz stations, those stations that give you the time pips in different parts of the world, are also listed in this new volume.

            In an era when radio broadcasting stations in some parts of the world are reducing, or eliminating altogether, their shortwave programming, we would commend Gayle Van Horn for her emphasis in making information on shortwave programming available to a worldwide audience.  You can obtain her new 2016 Summer edition of the International Shortwave Guide in any part of the World  from Amazon, at:*Version*=1&*entries*=0 
(AWR-Wavescan/NWS 380)