
Sunday, July 24, 2016

QSLing the Brickyard 400 NASCAR race

Kyle Bush wins 2015 Brickyard 400 NASCAR race

The Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club (W9IMS) will conduct the third of its three 2016 special events, commemorating the Brickyard 400 NASCAR race, starting at midnight Indianapolis time (0400 UTC) Monday, July 18, and continuing through the afternoon of Sunday, July 24 (local time).

 Amateur radio operators who work W9IMS qualify for a special QSL card, as do SWLs who submit reception reports. (The club also awards a certificate, but that requires QSOs during or reception reports for all three 2016 W9IMS special events, including the Grand Prix of Indianapolis and the Indianapolis 500 in May.)    

 Please include a SASE with all QSL requests, which should be sent to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 30954, Indianapolis, IN 46230. For additional information, including a list of scheduled operators, go to

W9IMS usually operates on or near the following frequencies: 7.240, 14.245 and 18.140, and possibly 144.240 SSB and 146.52 simplex FM on the morning of race day, July 24. Check spots on DX Summit – – to find out whether W9IMS is on the air at any given time. 
(Brian Smith W9IND)