
Friday, July 01, 2016

VOA Radiogram weekend schedule

Hello friends,

Last weekend VOA Radiogram heard from many interesting places (e.g., Morocco, Poland, Russia,  Japan, Australia, Colombia), saw four YouTube videos (from Colorado, Germany, Maryland, and Japan), and heard and decoded the modes fighting off over-the-horizon (OTH) radar. See examples at Just scroll down.  See examples also at 

Last week's MFSK32 performed well, and the Olivia 16-1000 even better. There were a few instances where the Olivia 16-1000 not not decode successfully. This week will will  try the slower (24 wpm) but more robust Olivia 32-1000.

At one point in the show I mistakenly refer to Olivia 32-2000 ...

VOA Radiogram now changes to Olivia 32-2000 centered on 2000 Hz

But Olivia 32-1000 is the only mode on the program other than MFSK32.  I apologize for the confusion.

Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 170, 2-3 July 2016, all in MFSK32 except where noted:

 1:20  Program preview 
 2:37  Bamboo as a building material*
 8:09  Juno spacecraft nears orbit around Jupiter*
15:12  Olivia 32-1000 at 2000 Hz: Neptune vortex* **
21:20  MFSK32: Image and closing announcements*

* with image

** and, yes, it is Olivia 32-1000, regardless of how Kim introduces it.

Please send reception reports to

VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.

The Mighty KBC will transmit to North America Sunday at 0000-0100 UTC (8-9 pm EDT) on 9925 kHz, via Germany. A minute of MFSK32 will be at about 0030 UTC.  Reports for KBC reception and decode to Eric: themightykbc (at) .

DigiDX will provide DX and media news in MFSK32 and a mixture of other modes:
Sunday 2130-2200 UTC, 15770 kHz, via WRMI Florida
Sunday 2330-2400 UTC, 11580 kHz, via WRMI Florida
Monday 2000-2130 UTC, 6070 kHz, via Channel 292 Germany
Daily 1830-1900 and 0530-0600 UTC, 6070 kHz, via Channel 292 Germany
Look for any additions or changes to the DigiDX schedule at or

IBC (Italian Broadcasting Corporation) has a broadcast to Europe on 6070 kHz, Wednesdays, 2000-2200 UTC, with MFSK32 and Olivia 16-500 at 2030-2100 UTC. See for the complete schedule and contact information.

Thank you for the excellent reports from last weekend. I will try to respond to reports today and during the long (here in the USA) weekend.

I hope you can tune in and write in.


Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram
Twitter: @VOARadiogram (especially active before, during, and after shows)