
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Free Radio Service Holland's October 23 Schedule

Following a successful summer evening broadcast in August, we plan the start of a new broadcasting season, on Sunday October 23. FRS-Holland will be heard across Europe on 31 meters on 9300 (stand by frequency 9335 kHz) // 7700 kHz.

In addition FRS will be on 6070 kHz in the afternoon. The five hour evening will include the usual ingredients: great music, numerous items including the Day Calendar and radio related items.
For detailed program information take a look at the program schedule below.

Choosing for ‘the best of both worlds’ FRSH goes for broadcasting on short wave in AM and digital high quality web streaming. Listeners can make their choice out of two streams.

 Streaming services on
Saturday October 29 16:00- 21:00 / 18:00-23:00 CEST 
Sunday October 30  08:00- 13:00 / 09:00-14:00 CET
Monday October 31 14:00- 19:00 / 15:00- 20:00 CET 
Tuesday November 1 12:00- 17:00  13:00- 18:00 CET
Sunday October 30 15:00-20:00 / 16:00- 21:00 CET 

Remarks: on Sunday October 30, marks the start of Winter time--> UTC+1 hour.

QSL-cards: Understandably reception reports and letters with comments are much appreciated and will be verified with a QSL card from our current series ‘FRS through the Years’. Each QSL of this series shows an 'element' which played an important part in FRS' 36 year life.

Curious about the previously published QSLs from this series? Surf to E-mails please to and for an excellent large format hard copy (plus sticker & badge) use our Herten mail drop:  P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, the Netherlands.

You can make your own choice and choose one of the eight QSLs which have been offered so far in our long time running 'FRS-Holland Through the Years series.

FRS-HOLLAND - program-schedule for Sunday October 23, 2016 
07:52  Opening: IDs/ Theme Tune  09:52 
08:02  FRS FRS Magazine- Peter Verbruggen
Music from the 1980-2016 period, preview on FRS Goes DX, Day Calendar October 23, August mail & the Tunes item (new) 10:02 
09:00  German Service- Jan van Dijk Jan mainly focuses on new music and features the "Forgotten pirate" and "Uplink" (an interesting Free Radio website items. August mail from (mainly) German listeners. 11:00 
09:45  Musical Express- Bert van Leer.
Music from 70s/80s plus radio relatede item & August mail 11:45 
10:30  FRS Goes DX - Peter Verbruggen
The latest news from the wonderful world of radio: News from around the world, shortwave free radio news and a mini doc.  12:30 
11:15  Dave Scott's Radiowaves. Featuring classic rock, modern progressive rock, radio chat and reminiscences about land based free radio. August mail. 13:15 
12:15  FRS Golden Show - Roger Davis plays the best from the 60s and 70s (including an offshore radio item). August mail. 14:15 
13:00  End of programs/Closing down announcement 15:00 
13:05  Close Down.  15:05 
On 6070 kHz FRS will be broadcasting between 12:00-17:00 UTC/14:00- 19:00 CEST.
(FRS/A Pennington/BDXC)