
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Review-World Radio TV Handbook 2017

2017 World Radio TV Handbook Review
by Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
CEO Teak Publishing
                A new year brings many things for radio hobbyists, including new goals to enrich their listening opportunities. Ultimately, world listeners welcome the annual edition of World Radio TV Handbook, now in their 71st edition.

                The new edition begins with receiver reviews. The Icom IC-7300 offers an excellent overall rating, as one of high quality, good performer, as well as good value and functionality. As the popularity of software-defined radios continues to expand, the Reuter Elektronik RDR55D is the newest edition to the market. Discerning listeners who prefer a self-contained SDR will discover this new addition significantly advances the state of the art. SDRPlay RSP, a lower cost SDR known as a dongle, is a very good introduction to the capabilities and limitations of the software-defined receiver. A review of the wideband loop antenna Wellbrook ALA1530LNP is complimented for its performance, and an outstanding value. Listener's using more than one radio receiver will welcome the new Bonito AAS300. Called an 'Active RF Splitter,' by the manufacturer, it provides three outputs from a single input. Compared to other multicouplers, it covers a wide frequency range, and works very well.

                A stalwart of each edition is the features section. The Mighty KBC explores the well known radio station, popular to medium wave and shortwave listeners. Who knew KBC had such an interesting and surprising history? KBC, a small private station has big plans for their future. Remote Reception delves into the modern SDRs located half a world away - and available to a world audience via the Internet.

                Freelance writer and active radio enthusiast Hans Johnson, resumes his radio travelogue expertise covering CKZN St John's. Follow Han's travels on the history and current use of the most easterly shortwave transmitter in North America.

                Australian radio hobbyist and DXer Rob Shepherd shares his travels in South America and the Pacific, including a bit of DX, and reminds us, "radio is alive and well in South America and the Pacific."

                Vagn Fentz reminisces about radio times long ago, working with the founder of WRTH, Olaf Johansen, on one of the very first editions.

                Michael Pütz, of Business Radio at Media Broadcast GmbH and Chairman of the IRDR Project Working Group, outlines setting up and the progress so far in organizing an HF disaster relief radio network. The IRDR Project, explains this vital role of radio providing life-saving information at critical times.

                Ulf-Peter Hoppe updates the annual HF Broadcasting Reception Conditions Expected .During 2017 he predicts good year of reception.

                The National Radio section includes domestic radio stations broadcasting to a national listening audience on medium wave, shortwave, and FM. Listings are grouped by country and include frequencies, transmitters, kW, contact and website information. International Radio contains the same information from international broadcasters airing to a world audience.

                Clandestine and Other Target Broadcast list stations broadcasting politically motivated programming, or those targeted at zones of local or regional conflicts. A one-page listing of Religious Broadcasters Cross Reference Table closes this section.

                The Frequency List covers by-frequency medium wave stations by-region, SW Stations of the World and listings of shortwave station broadcasting in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish, plus DRM International Broadcasts schedules.

                The by-country National Television section includes information on national stations, networks and contact information for each country listed.

                Lastly, there contains an extensive Reference section. Informative includes indexes, abbreviations and symbols, target area codes, transmitter sites, Standard Time and Frequency stations, clubs and organizations and selected Internet resources.

                This year's 71st edition, and in past editions, continues their reputation as a comprehensive exemplary reference book for the radio listening audience. It remains the very best, most authoritative reference book for the radio and television hobbyist. Teak Publishing wishes WRTH many years of continued success.

                World Radio TV Handbook 2017, is available from the WRTH website at Click on How to Order for information link. It is also available in the United States from Universal Radio Inc. Go to for the online catalog.