
Friday, April 14, 2017

Norway's LLE-3 slated for broadcast today and Easter Sunday

In addition to our regular schedule the LLE-3 transmitter at Bergen
Broadcasting Station will broadcast later today and on Easter Sunday, 5895
kHz, USB.
The transmission is led by CE Øystein Ask LA7CFA:
Friday, April 14 15:00 to 16:00 UTC
Sunday April 16 16:00 to 18:00 UTC
The program will be the Easter program 2017 from SDXF, Sweden's Dx-Förbund
V. with QSL card for written reports with return postage of $3 to PO BOX
100, N-5331 RONG, NORWAY otherwise to
We also remind you of Radio Northern Star's regular service on LLE-4 1611
khz and .
Good listening!
(Radio Northern Star via Facebook/Pennington/BDXC)