
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christmas Programming Schedules

A sampling of stations airing special Christmas and New Years programming. For additional reading about DXing during the holidays, follow Fred Waterer's terrific feature in the winter edition of International Shortwave Broadcast Guide.
Available at:

All times UTC

December 22
Special transmission of Welle 370 via MBR Nauen, Germany
1300-1400 on  6055 NAU 125 kW / 222 deg to CeEu German Christmas Concert
(SWL DXing)

December 22-24
This year's Christmas program from 16 Gwendoline Street will be an hour on the following frequencies, via IRRS in Milan, Italy.

Friday, December 22, 7290 kHz, 1900-2000
Saturday, December 23, 9510 kHz, 0900-1000
Sunday, December 24, 9510 kHz, 1200-1300

846 medium wave, to south central Europe, ltaly and the Adriatic.

Friday, December 22, 1900-2000 UTC and 2330-0030
Saturday, December 23, 0530-0630 and 2230-2330

Online at
(Stephen Jones)

December 24
NDR Christmas Special transmissions via Media Broadcast
6010 kHz Erevan(ARM) Europe
6080 kHz Nauen(DE) North Atlantic
9740 kHz Nauen(DE) Indian Ocean West
9790 kHz Moosbrunn(AT) Indian Ocean East
9800 kHz Issoudun(FRA) Atlantic(South Africa)
11650 kHz Issoudun(FRA) South Atlantic

24th December 2017 (Sunday)
2100-2300 UTC
5930 kHz Nauen(DE) North Atlantic
6155 kHz Erevan(ARM) Europe
9590 kHz Issoudun(FRA) Atlantic
9650 kHz Moosbrunn(AT) Indian Ocean East
9765 kHz Nauen(DE) Indian Ocean West
9830 kHz Issoudun(FRA) South Atlantic

Please send your reception reports to :
More info at :,grussanbord326.html

On Christmas Eve, Norddeutsche Rundfunndr broadcasts messages to sailors all over the world in the radio broadcast "Gruss an Bord" or "Greeting aboard" - greetings to the ship's crew in their home country. The greetings to the sailors were recorded at two "greeting on board" events in the Adventszeit: on 4 December in the  Cultural memory in Wilhelmine gear in neutral and on December 11 in the Hamburg Seemannsmission "Duckdalben". Relatives and friends had the opportunity to wish their loved ones at sea a happy holiday and a good new year. The show "Greeting aboard" was heard for Christmas 1953 for the first time on the radio. It is thus one of the oldest existing radio broadcasts in the world.,grussanbord326.html

More about program "Gruss an Bord"at:,grussanbord306.html
(H. Kuhl/BDXC & A Gupta/DX India)

December 24-26More Christmas relays via Channel 292
Universe Radio
1300-1600 on  6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu English Sun
Radio Waves International
0900-1000 on  6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu English Mon
0900-1000 on  6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu English Tue
SuperClan Radio
0800-0900 on  6070 ROB 025 kW / non-dir to CeEu English Tue
(SWL DXing)

Radio Ohne Namen has two special Christmas editions this year, as well as a repeat of last year's special Christmas edition. The full schedule is as follows:

24 December (Christmas Eve)
1200: the first Christmas edition
1900: repeat of the first Christmas edition

25 December (Christmas Day)
1000: the second Christmas edition
1100: the 2016 Christmas edition
1500: repeat of the second Christmas edition
1900: repeat of the 2016 Christmas edition

26 December (Boxing Day)
1000: repeat of the 2016 Christmas edition
1100: repeat of the first Christmas edition
1200: repeat of the second Christmas edition
Further additional and repeat episodes of R Ohne Namen are then scheduled for December 27, at 0800. December 29 at 1400, December 31 at 1500 and January 1, 2018 at 1000, 1100, 1500 and 1900.