
Friday, August 17, 2018

Blog Logs - monitoring global radio

Recent monitoring from Qatar SDR unit, from our secluded DX Cabin in the mountains of North Carolina

All times UTC / frequency in kHz (kilohertz) // parallel frequency

Denge Welat 11530 kHz
11530, Denge Welat 1735-1800 (ex. Denge Kurdistan) Kurdish conversations to 1750, followed by clear station ID. Kurdish recitations and vocals. Good signal SIO 434. Middle Eastern vocals in presumed Kurdish. Schedule is 0500-2200. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

11830, Radio Dandal Kura International 1802-1825. Announcer’s English/Kanuri news format to 1807. Horn of African music bridge to news about Nigeria. Fair signal SIO 323. Additional program segments about Nigeria. Station is funded by the USAID and targeted to the Kanuri and Hausa population, in areas under the influence of Boko Haram. Website: (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

5940, Ethiopia Somalia Reg. State Radio/Delgaenka Soomaalida 1838-1845. Fair-poor signal of (SIO 222) what was likely this station. Horn of Africa style music on a Krar instrument in progress. Brief Somali comments from announcer, into HOA music. Great music but not positive. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

6110, Radio Fana 1847-1902. SIO 333 and certainly easier to monitor. HOA music to 1852. Service listed as Oromo. Music to tone signal at 1859 and reference to “Fana.” Signal covered at 1902. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

Voice of Tigray Revol. 5950 kHz
5950, Voice of Tigray Revol., 1902-1920. ISWBG listing as Afar/Tigrinya. Fair signal SIO 322, text from 1902  tune-in. Audio bits of speech before gathering. Talk to HOA Krar music. Additional speech segments with echo effect. HOA music to 1919 as speeches continue. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

Firedrake Jammer/Clandestine-Radio Al-Azm
11745, 1815-1830. Caught this Firedrake on subsequent days, heard 1900-1950, running parallel with 9745, while checking for clandestine station Radio Al-Azm. The clanny is underneath Firedrake, and audible when they dropped off at 1925. Arabic vocals and programming to 1950 tune-out. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

RTA Algeria QSL/Gayle Van Horn Collection
13820, Radio Algerienne/Holy Qu’ran (relayed via Issoudun, France) 1832-1845.  Qu’ran recitations from tune-in to 1836. Arabic announcement to Arabic vocals. Signal quality SIO 343. Station is scheduled for sign-off at 2300. Website: ((SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman 1735-1750. Arabic readings over Arabic instrumental music. Fanfare music to production intros. SIO 333. Arabic service for this segment 1500-2000. Website: (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

Saudi Arabia
9555, SBC Radio Saudi-General Program 1. 1738-1800. Male/female with Arabic technology segment on “Internet, hyperlinks, iphones, and Chrome.” Easy-listening Arabic music to 1740. Frequency 9870 is parallel from 1800. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

SBC Radio Saudi-Holy Qu’ran 1743-1830. Arabic Qu’ran in progress. Also noted  // 13710, 15205 and 17560, targeted to Africa, Programming shifts to 11820 // 11915, 11930 at 1755-2257. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)   

7120, Tentative on Radio Hargeisa 1740-1815. Somali service with fair SIO 232. Readings to 1802. Brief musical fanfare into extended talks. No news briefs or 1800 ID format. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

Voice of Turkey's large footprint on 15520 kHz
15520, Voice of Turkey 1705-1725. Selections of Turkish music from tune-in to 1714. Fanfare to announcer’s English comment, “before we close the English service”, and followed with news headlines. Station ID, freqs/meter bands, broadcast hours, satellite info, website, target areas and “thanks and goodbye” to listeners. Instrumental Turkish music to 1725. VOT Spanish was heard on 5960 // 9460 at 1708 check. Noted also that the French service and the Spanish service use to same Turkish tune to close-down their programming. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)

United Arab Emirates
1269 MW, Radio Asia Network, 1728-1735. Pop music vocals to 1730. Announcer’s Malayalam service with items about the station, including promo. Signal quality fair and mixing as my last log, with Radio Kuwait. (SDR Izghawa, Qatar)