
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Mexican Radio to Beam Chinese Propaganda to United States ?

U.S. probes links between buyer of Tijuana station and China's Phoenix TV
By Bill Gertz

A large Spanish-language radio station in Mexico will soon begin broadcasting in Chinese in a deal critics say will bring Beijing propaganda to Chinese Americans throughout Southern California.

A Federal Communications Commission filing on the sale of radio station XEWW AM 690 radio near Tijuana reveals the buyer has ties to Phoenix Satellite Television US, a subsidiary of Hong Kong's pro-Beijing Phoenix TV.

According to government sources, signs that Phoenix is involved in the purchase of the radio station prompted the Trump administration last week to begin an investigation into the national security implications of the sale.

Additional story at Washington Free Beacon:

China to Purchase Mexican Radio Station, Could Soon Start Blasting propaganda to U.S. Citizens 

The Trump administration has opened up an investigation into the sale of a large Spanish-language radio station in Tijuana which could have national security implications.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that the FCC filing on the station XEWW AM 690 reveals the buyer of the station is linked to the Phoenix Satellite Television US, which is a subsidiary of the pro-
There are concerns that the station will begin blasting propaganda to the United States.

The station is located about 10 miles from the U.S. border.

Additional story at World News: 