
Friday, September 07, 2018

The Rabble-Rousers of Early Radio Broadcasting

Take a look at some of radio’s less-remembered provocateurs

John Schneider· Sep 4, 2018

Today’s provocative “Hot Talk” radio commentators are not a new phenomenon. The first decade of broadcasting witnessed the rise of many equally strident and controversial personalities who tested the limits of the government’s tolerance and the public’s good taste. They were the prototypes of today’s conservative radio commentators and talk show hosts.

While early radio was endowed with many colorful but otherwise harmless characters, a handful of crusading firebrands used the airwaves to gain favor with the public for their viewpoints. The early airwaves were also home to a number of hucksters, like the infamous Kansas goat gland doctor John R. Brinkley. But radio also hosted a number of other troublemakers and agitators who abused the power of the media to try and influence public opinion. Let’s take a look at some of radio’s less-remembered provocateurs.

Additional story at Radio World: