
Thursday, October 11, 2018

FCC Seeks Workable Solution on Protecting Big AM Signals

Commission puts forth several revised interference regimes

Paul McLane
09 Oct 2018

Next move in the AM revitalization effort:

The FCC has proposed revised interference protections for Class A AM stations in the United States. One proposal is for daytime hours, two are for protection during the “critical hours” periods and two are for protection of Class A AM stations at night.

The question of what to do about interference rules concerning big Class A signals has been a notable one. Class A stations operate on clear channels with 10 to 50 kW.

“These alternative proposals are designed to preserve some of Class A stations’ wide area coverage, while relieving more local stations of their current obligation to protect Class A stations from interference,” the commission wrote in adopting its Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. “Our proposals should enable local stations to provide greater and improved local service to their communities, especially at night.”

Additional story at Radio World: