
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Radio Exterior of Spain expands its broadcasts on Shortwave

Starting on Sunday, 28 October 2018

Increase of four hours in the transmission that was previously made from Monday to Friday

Radio Exterior de España, the international channel of RNE,  will broadcast  eight hours a day from Monday to Sunday at Onda Corta starting on October 28th . It supposes an increase of four hours in the transmission that was previously made from Monday to Friday.

With this increase, Radio Exterior of Spain begins a  new stage that reinforces its programming with new spaces of its own production  that will enhance the task of public service and promote and disseminate Spanish culture and language, in short, it contributes to place Spain in the global horizon of the time in which we live.

"En clave turismo", "A golpe de bit", "Without a doubt", "Said with music" and "Tiempo flamenco" are incorporated into a consolidated program with spaces such as "Españoles en la mar", "Marca España" , "Punto de enlace", "Mundo solidario", "Artesfera", "Open Europe", "America today", "Africa today" or "Asia today". Programs to which is added the emblematic "A language without borders" that, once recovered for programming, will continue with its mission to take Spanish to any corner of the world.

From a technical point of view, Radio Exterior de España will broadcast its programming from Monday to Friday, for West Africa and the South Atlantic, the Middle East, the Indian Ocean and Gran Sol, from 4 pm to 24 hours UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), say, from 17 to 01 official Spanish time.

The emission frequencies:

-  West Africa and South Atlantic, 11,685 Khz., Band 25 meters .

-  Middle East, Indian Ocean and Gran Sol, 12,030 Khz, 25 meter band .

Towards North and South America, Radio Exterior de España will broadcast short-wave, from Monday to Friday, from 19:00 to 03:00 UTC, that is, from 20:00 to 04:00, the official Spanish time.

The emission frequencies:

-  South America, 11,940 Khz, band of 25 meters .

-  North America and Greenland, 9,690 Khz, 31 meter band .

On Saturdays and Sundays, the RNE International Channel will transmit its signal from 15 to 23 hours UTC, that is, from 16 to 24 official Spanish hours. The emission frequencies and the coverage areas are the following:

- West Africa and South Atlantic, 11,685 Khz, band of 25 meters.

- South America, 11,940 Khz, band of 11,940 meters.

- North America and Greenland, 9,690 Khz, 31-meter band.

- Middle East, Indian Ocean and Gran Sol, 12,030 Khz, 25 meter band.

In addition to eight hours per day of shortwave transmission, Radio Exterior de España broadcasts its 24-hour uninterrupted programming through the Internet, DTT, mobile applications and satellite:

- Ses Astras 1M: frequency 11.626.5 MHz. Vertical polarization.

- Hispasat 1E: frequency 12,052 Mhz. Vertical polarization.

- Asiasat 5: frequency 3,700 Mhz. Vertical polarization.

- Eutelsat 5 West A: frequency 3,727 Mhz. Right circular polarization.

- Intelsat Galaxy-23: frequency 4,191.35 Mhz. Vertical polarization.

The changes in programming and frequencies are effective from October 28, 2018 to March 31, 2019.
(A Gupta/Radio Activity/