
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

What's Next for AM Radio ?

On AM revitalization, Peter Tannenwald asks, Are we really “revitalizing” AM, or are we walking around in circles?

Peter Tannenwald, 12 Oct. 2018

The author is a lawyer with Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth. This commentary originally appeared at CommLawBlog. Radio World welcomes commentaries with a variety of viewpoints from numerous sources.

Late on Friday, October 5, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) released a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in a five-year ongoing effort to “revitalize” the AM radio broadcast service. The new proposals continue a trend toward allowing higher power operation by smaller stations, by reducing nighttime signal protection for some 60 Class A AM stations located in the continental United States and 16 stations in Alaska. The end result would be less wide area coverage and more local radio service to the public.

Additional story at Radio World: