
Friday, July 26, 2019

Free Radio Service Holland slated for July broadcast

Free Radio Service Holland will broadcast on 28 July, 2019 on the following schedule:

All times UTC

1652-2100 on  5810*unknown kW / unknown to WeEu English/Dutch
1652-2100 on  7700 unknown kW / unknown to WeEu English/Dutch

*  5800 unknown kW / unknown to WeEu English/Dutch

Free Radio Service Holland will be on with the first of two summer evening broadcasts. Similar to what we have done in the past few years, the programs will be aired.

Reports, but more over personal comments are more than welcome to:
P.O. Box 2702
6049 ZG Herten

or via email

Please note: the unofficial celebration of our 39th Anniversary will be on Sunday, 01 September, 2019. Details will follow in the second half of August.