
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Monitoring Papua New Guinea

The following excerpt from the August edition of NASWA's Listening-In, includes some interesting observations on monitoring Papua New Guinea. Logs edited for clarity.

All times UTC

3260, NBC Madang (Maus Blong Garamut), 1136-1204*, July 9. Signal stronger than 3325 (Bougainville); cutting through the heavy summertime QRN (static) fairly well/ Programming in Pidgin,  one comedy segment with background sounds of the audience. Pacific Islands music with singing. Station off the air during the news in English. (Ron Howard-CA)

3260, NBC Madang, Maus Blong Garamut. On July 10, heard a very unique broadcast, running much longer than normal 1227-1232 in English with Radio New Zealand program with Dominic Godfrey 1232-1237. Instrumental music 1237-1251* (sing-off) with relay of “90.7 FM” and several clear announcements for the Press Club’s guest speaker being at the Lamana Hotel in Port Moresby on July 12, to give updated information about the Bougainville referendum for independence, which will be broadcast live via NBC Radio. The Press Club’s event (was scheduled for July 12).
(Ron Howard-CA) 

3260, NBC Madang (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of Indigenous Drums), 1212*, on July 26. (Ron Howard-CA)

3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap - Voice of the Sunrise), 1055-1200*, July 26. Poor reception of pop music to 1102 with local news inmEnglish (not readable). program DJ format playing pop Pacific Islands songs to mention of “Friday
night.” NO Voice of Indonesia interference. (Ron Howard-CA)