
Monday, August 05, 2019

Radio for Peace International summer schedule

This new station, is not connected to the former RFPI, based in Costa Rica. Programs are rebroadcast of their weekly podcast. Schedules may be subject to change and close times are variable

Radio for Peace International
Broadcast days, target areas and relays as indicated

Times UTC
0000-0100  Sat  9395na (WRMI)
0200-0230  Fri  5130na (WBCQ) one Friday per month, according to available airtime
1400-1500 Thurs 21525af (WRMI) third Thursday per month
2000-2100  Fri  6070eu (Ch.292, Rohrbach, Germany)
2000-2100  Fri  15770af (WRMI)

af  Africa
eu Europe
na North America
(WRTH 27 Jul, 2019 update)