
Friday, September 18, 2020

Radio Northern Star special broadcast schedule

This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the Arctic Radio Club. To celebrate this we are broadcasting a special program over Radio Northern Star/Bergen Kringkaster in Norway as follows:

All times UTC
Frequencies: 5895 kHz and 1314 AM kHz
Saturday Sept. 19 1800-2000 
Sunday Sept. 20 2000-2200 
Tuesday Sept. 22 1800-2000 

The program is in Swedish but with ID's in English. Many of the ARC old timers are participating in the program. We also present a wide selection of music.

Reception reports are welcome to:
Arctic Radio Club Anniversary Broadcast
c/o Music & Media Production
Box 114
SE-82423 Hudiksvall

If you want a QSL-card please enclose return postage in form of two IRCs or $3.00. As a DX club we are interested in seeing how far the radio waves will go so we are not interested in reports taken over SDR receivers close to the transmitter site.

For further information about Radio Northern Star and Bergen Kringkaster check out:
Welcome to listen in and GOOD DX!
(Ronny B Good/WRTH)