
Monday, June 21, 2021

BBC World Service Antarctic Mid Winter Broadcast 2021


The producer of the upcoming BBCWS Antarctic Midwinter broadcast on Monday 21st June 2130-2200 UT says all four frequencies tested on Monday will be used i.e.035 kHz DHA, 6170 kHz ASC, 7305 WOF and 9505 kHz WOF:

"Hi - I'm (proudly) the Executive Producer of the Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast. It's made by Boffin Media for the BBC ... I'm about to deliver this year's edition.

In terms of the broadcast itself, following the test on Monday, the BBC's decided to transmit on all four of the frequencies above this year. Because it's a unique broadcast, the SW version is 30 minutes long whereas the global version is 26min 29sec (to fit the standard World Service half hour, following the news bulletin). The SW version also has a different introduction as it's aimed just at our audience of 35 in Antarctica.

Richard Hollingham, comment 16 June on The SWLing Post blog at

(via Alan Pennington-UK, BrDXC-UK June 17)

This year its also being carried on most of the World Service English streams from 2132-2200 UT, however the only shortwave outlets at this time are to Africa on 11810 and 12095 kHz via Ascension. For those of us in the UK it should also be on the BBCWS DAB stream at the same time.

Its slightly shorter via the regular WS streams so to hear the full broadcast we should listen to the special Antarctica frequencies.

Midwinter Special 2015 - 2020

Midwinter Special in 2020:

27 minutes special Midwinter to the Antarctic researcher team down under:
Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast 2020

Every year, the BBC World Service makes this special program for just 40 listeners: the team of scientists and support staff isolated at British research stations in the Antarctic midwinter. The Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast is unlike anything else on the BBC World Service.

Presented by Cerys Matthews, it features messages from family and friends at home as well as music requests from Antarctica. For decades it has been part of the traditional midwinter celebrations.

27 minutes
Previous 2015 midwinter
(Dave Kenny-UK, BrDXC-UK June 13)

Re:  BBC WS Antarctic Mid Winter Broadcast, test on June 14.
Very good reception here in Germany from 2130 UTC tonight:
6035 kHz S=9+10 dB     UAE
6170 kHz S=9+20 dB     ASC (Ascension island)
7305 kHz S=9+40 dB (!) WOF (Woofferton, UK)
9505 kHz S=9+30 dB     WOF
Rx-Antenna modified windom 50 m long
(Harald DL1AX BrDXC-UK June 14)
(WWDXC Top News-17 June 2021)