
Monday, September 27, 2021

Germany's SE-TA 2, October program information


Germany, SE-TA 2 

6115 1000-1200 27,28   HST    1 kW  0  0  ant#700  17=Sat/Sun
311021-270322  Deu      D   ST2 FNA  request #1704   TENTATIVELY.

Germany - According to direct information from Christoph Gerber, the next high power transmissions of Radio SE-TA 2 are planned for early October 2021:

2 October 2021, 1000-1100 h: 6095 kHz (Nauen 100 kW) "Let's Go Rock'n Roll" #6.

9 October 2021, 1000-1100 h: 6095 kHz (Nauen 100 kW) "Radio SE-TA 2 - Memory - Time - Die Raritaetenshow".

26 December 2021, 0900-1100 h: to be confirmed (Nauen 100 kW) "Der Musikalische Fruehschoppen".

Apart from leasing air time from Media Broadcast Nauen, Christoph Gerber is developing two new locations for his SE-TA 2 low power transmissions:

Waldheim (Saxony) for DRM transmissions on 6115 kHz and Gera  (Thuringia) for AM  transmissions on 6115 kHz using the former Hartenstein transmitter.
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via wwdxc BC-DX ToNnews Sept 12)