
Thursday, March 24, 2022

HCJB Deutschland adds programming in Russian

 Due to the situation around Ukraine, we have decided to change our programs.

Since March 12th, 2022 we have been broadcasting a Russian program on the frequency 7365 kHz in the 41m band around the clock to the east in cooperation with our partner "Segenswelle".

Our second chairman Viktor Sawatzki, who is also the leader of the Segenswelle, is currently trying to create programs in the Ukrainian language that will complement this program. Viktor and some of his Segenswelle employees and other helpers also did an aid mission last week, bringing food and other donations in kind to Ukraine. (More information on this can be found on the Segenswelle homepage You can also listen to the program in the stream under the following link

We would be happy if you would support helpers and programs with your prayers. We are also very grateful for donations to support the broadcasting of programs.

(translated from German at: 

Heard with ID as "Radio Segenswelle" on 7365 24 March at 1055 UTC.
(Alan Pennington/BCDX)