
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

LATE BREAKING NEWS: Grigoriopol transmitter site rocked with explosions


One of several from Grigoriopol 


Two explosions at the Grigoriopol transmitter site this morning are reported to have put its two most powerful transmitters out of action. The site was being used to relay Russian state radio (i.e. Radio Rossii on 999 kHz):
Report from (translated from Russian):
Explosions occurred in the village of Mayak, Grigoriopol region (updated) Two communication towers were blown up, no one was injured.
Grigoriopol district, April 26. /News of Transnistria/. 

Explosions occurred in the Mayak village of the Grigoriopol region today. Information confirmed. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR reports two blown-up communication towers. There were no casualties. According to the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first explosion occurred at 6:40, the second - at 7:05. Law enforcement officers and emergency services of Pridnestrovie were immediately sent to the scene. Grigoriopol militiamen cordoned off the territory of the Mayak radio and television center, sappers of the Ministry of Defense began to examine all the objects of the PRTC. As of 9:00 am, it is known that the two most powerful antennas were out of order: one megawatt, the second half-megawatt. Both relayed the radio of the Russian Federation. None of the PRTC employees and local residents were injured. PRTC - Pridnestrovian radio and television center. This is one of 14 radio transmitting centers of the former USSR. The signal from the PRTC can be relayed to the USA, the Middle East, and Latin America. The radio center was built in the late 1960s.
Report with photos:
(Alan Pennington/BDXC 26 Apr)
Report with photos: