
Thursday, August 04, 2022

Archive programming from Radio Andorra set for August and September


The next two programs "from the archives of Radio Andorra" are ready to be broadcasted. In August and September on the first Saturday per month, it's time to roll again some 43-year-old cassettes. 

The program on August, 6th the french chansonnier Ricet Barrier will do the programming for one hour. It is a program from the "Carte Blanche"-series which was recorded in the summer of 1979, where stars at that time were invited to select their music on a Sunday afternoon program. The barrier was born in August 1932 and died in 2011, so it would be his 90th birthday this year. Unfortunately, the second hour of his program got lost, only the first cassette survived. 

Times and frequencies:
August, 6th 2022
1700-1800 UTC 6180 kHz LPH 270° towards Europe
2200-2300 UTC 13730 kHz HRS 295° towards Northamerica

On September, 3rd the french singer and actor Mirelle Hartuch is in charge. She was born in September 1906 and was at the time the program was recorded already 73 years old. So we will hear music from the 1930s and 1940s as well as contemporary songs from the 70s. This program survived completely and will be broadcasted:

September, 3rd 2022
1700-1900 UTC 6180 kHz LPH 270° towards Europe
2200-2400 UTC 13730 kHz HRS 295° towards Northamerica

All transmission, as usual, is broadcasted via Moosbrunn, Austria rated at 100kW carrier power.

Since last year I'm trying to restore some of the old cassettes and bring them back to HiFi quality for the enjoyment of radio fans. The whole thing is a matter of the heart, no commercial activity. The national archive supports this ideally, but the whole financial part is done privately by myself. If anyone likes to contribute, here is my GoFundMe-campaign: All raised funds go straight to the reconstruction of the programs (buying necessary records, software licenses for the DSP Tools, maintenance of the cassette players) as well as the transmission feed on shortwave.

All transmissions being already broadcasted are also available online:
(Christian Milling/BDXC)