
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Blackouts in Cuba: A Disaster Waiting to Happen


'Aware of the impossibility of lifting Cuba out of poverty and maintaining absolute power, Castroism decided to deceive the people'

La Habana 30 Ago 2022 - 02:01 CEST
Unlike the crisis in the 90s, today Cuba's lack of fuel is hardly responsible for the blackouts being suffered across the country. Rather, the pivotal factor now is the general decapitalization of the economy, the electrical system's instability being only the visible tip of the enormous iceberg of material and human ruin to which Castroism has reduced the country. How did we get here?

Every society faces the dilemma of how to use its revenue, having to decide between three alternative assignments of its wealth: which portion will be allotted to consumption, or the immediate satisfaction of needs; which will be used to amortize the depreciation of capital used; and how much it will invest to cover new means of production that generate greater future revenue.