
Friday, September 02, 2022

Télédiffusion du Congo receives new shortwave transmitter


Media: Télédiffusion du Congo with a new transmitter

Wednesday, August 31, 2022 - 5:11 p.m.

The Chief of Staff to the Minister of Communication and Media, Antoine Oviebo Ethaï, officially received a new shortwave transmitter on August 30 after several tests were carried out in Brazzaville.
The device was installed at the Djoué transmitter center by Chinese experts, the result of Sino-Congolese cooperation. The work was carried out for two months. The shortwave transmitter has a capacity of 50kw. It will operate on the frequency of 6,015 KH [sic]* in the 49m band, capable of serving the entire national territory as well as beyond the African continent.

The ceremony of handing over this antenna was marked by the signing of the end of works documents between the Chinese experts and the technical adviser, also acting director of the Télédiffusion du Congo, Martin Songa.

The technical advisor explained on this occasion that the new transmitter comes to complete the lack of coverage of the national channel in information with frequency modulation transmitters.
“The first transmitter installed at PK 13 has lived. It has become obsolete from the point of view of signal quality", he indicated, adding that "the new transmitter delivers a quality signal close to the modulated frequency because when you listen to the radio in frequency modulation the signal will be identical throughout the country".

At the end of the ceremony, the Chinese experts received certificates of honor from the Congolese side.
Lydie Gisele Oko
Captions and photo credits:
The short wave transmitter handed over to the Télédiffusion du Congo (Adiac)
translated from original in French at:
and 1 Sept 2022 edition of Les Depeches de Brazzaville:
(A. Pennington/BDXC)

28 Aug log: 
6115, Radio Congo, Bravaville (presumed), 1824-1843*, 28-08, French, comments, advertisements, some African songs. Transmission cut off abruptly at 1843. SINPO 15421 to 25422.
I was not able to hear a positive identification, but the program format coincides with the one I heard so many times from Radio Congo.
The closing time and the abruptly cut off  transmission also coincides with Radio Congo
(Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain)