
Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Monitoring Mongolia's longwave frequencies


July 4, 2023

I am currently watching the Novokuzhnetsk SDR with the intention of observing the Mongolian LW frequencies.

227 came on with a weak signal at 22:06 UTC before falling away two minutes later.

A short time later at 22:10, one or more of the 209 transmitters powered up. This is still visible at 22:16.

The main transmitter on 164 hasn’t shown up at all. From monitoring this particular SDR on a nightly basis for the past two weeks, the 164 seems to suffer from false-starts on power-up, as in it seems to take more than one attempt to get it online as the carrier appears and disappears several times before becoming steady.

So far I have not heard the interval music to signify the start of the day’s broadcasting. This is usually audible at around 22:06 UTC.

MNB has seen my message enquiring about the current status of the LW transmitters but for whatever reason has not replied as of yet.

I will keep observing for the next hour or so and inform you of any updates,
(Conor Burns (2023-07-03)
(Ydun's MW) 
(Mike Terry/BDXC)