
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Canadian radio monitoring


Special thanks to contributor Harold Sellers for his recent logging observations from British Colombia, Canada. He notes "Listening at my DXing site outside of the city, with a CommRadio CR-1a and a Wellbrook ALA-1530LN loop. Extremely smokey here, with several forest fires 15 miles to 50 miles away. Vernon is housing both firefighters and evacuees."

All times UTC

13650 ROMANIA Radio Romania International at 2055 in English closing broadcast. - Poor-fair, Aug. 20

15580 BOTSWANA Voice of America at 2102 in English with news and ID. - Good, Aug. 20

13790 ALGERIA presumed Ifrikya FM at 2127 in Arabic, man speaking in what sounded like an impassioned political manner. - Poor, Aug. 20

11975 MALI CGTN Radio (China) at 2136 in French, man with news. - Fair, Aug. 20

12040 GERMANY Adventist World Radio at 2147 with choir, presumably in Twi language as listed (Google: there are about 7 million speakers, mostly in Ghana), 2157 into announcements by woman, mentions of AWR, address, etc., and singing to close. - Fair, Aug. 20

11800 ROMANIA Radio Romania International at 2204 in English, woman with news. - Poor-fair, Aug. 20