
Friday, November 03, 2023

BBC World Service announces Emergency Service for Gaza


Recording of sign-on today at 1500 bUTC by Andrew Pitt on a Cyprus SDR reposted with comments by Chris Greenway.

Report in the New Arab today:

Gaza tunes into radio after Israel turns off the internet:

"In the Gaza Strip, frequent disruptions to internet and phone services have left over 2.1 million Palestinians isolated from the outside world. Despite the constant sound of nearby bombings, they are unable to access real-time news that could help them locate the source of these explosions. Because of this, the residents of Gaza have turned to radio as their primary source of information about events happening beyond their homes."

Full report says most have gone offline, are having to broadcast content from other channels, residents are purchasing new radios to hear the news and are listening to Al Jeezera through the radio.

(BDXC/Mike Barraclough, UK)