
Monday, November 13, 2023

Finnish radio stations continue to broadcast in the border areas of the Leningrad and Pskov regions


This means that Finland can launch an anti-Russian broadcast. According to media reports, the Yule company is already offering vacancies to journalists and is resuming the work of the Russian-language editorial office. This is what I gave you to listen to, an ordinary Finnish radio station that broadcasts here, near Vyborg, and this is not towards the Finnish border, but closer to St. Petersburg. Now, as some of my colleagues told me, who still continue to work practically underground in Finland, supplying information from there, Yule is resuming recruitment of a Russian-language editorial staff, where it can invite, among other things, foreign agents who fled from Russia to Finland. In my opinion, the restoration of broadcasting of our radio stations to Finland takes place not in a musical format, but in a conversational one, so that Russian-speaking residents who live in Finland can receive our information, and not that which is imposed from the outside.

Details in Russian - 
(November 6, 2023 /