
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

New Zealand begins work on transmitter


Radio New Zealand website November 28:

Work has started to decommission RNZ Pacific's shortwave transmitter 1 at its site on New Zealand's North Island.
This 100-kilo-watt transmitter was installed at Rangitaiki, Taupo in 1989.
In 2022, RNZ received funding to construct a new transmitter for RNZ  Pacific to ensure the services future.
Until the new transmitter project is completed, RNZ Pacific will continue to broadcast through its transmitter 2 at the Rangitaiki site.
The installation of the new Ampegon transmitter will begin in late January 2024.
RNZ Pacific apologizes for any inconvenience this transition may cause to our on-air listeners around the world.
The broadcaster will aim to minimize service disruptions to our on-air audiences, and partner stations in the Pacific region.
RNZ Pacific can still be heard via satellite, and its content will still be available to download or livestream through its website

Photo of engineer Stephen White next to Transmitter 1 at the link.