
Friday, December 22, 2023

Program summaries from Radio Exterior Espana


I have just received program summaries for Radio Exterior de Espana's English language broadcasts for 25, 27 and 29 December as follows:

Monday 25 December 2300UT: Christmas carols and traditions from every corner of Spain, in different regional languages.

Wednesday 27 December 2300UT: Giving in the holiday season: "Una sonrisa por navidad" (A smile for Christmas) is a campaign that seeks to brighten the holiday season for the less fortunate. We interview María Mompó, the project coordinator.

Friday 29 December: Ringing in the new year: the workers at the Relojería Losada are the watchmakers in charge of maintaining the clock that strikes midnight on New Year's every year from Madrid's Puerta del Sol. We interview Jesús Lopez Terrada, of the relojería, about the preparations for the New Year. We also read listener letters and emails that we have received throughout 2023.

I have added these to the Holiday Programmes on Shortwave list (which is now at version 4) now available to download from 

Once again: best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year
(BDXC/Alan Roe, Teddington, UK)