
Friday, December 29, 2023

Repost reminder for DR Kalundborg last broadcast on December 31


DR Kalundb 243kHz. Information and Program Schedule.

Yduns MW Info, December 19

Translated from Danish:

Her Majesty Queen Margrethe will get the last word on longwave when DR shuts down the signal from Gisseløre [Kalundborg 243 kHz] on December 31, according to the daily Nordvestnyt on Saturday.
From 15-18 [14.00-17.00 UTC] on New Year’s Eve, DR will broadcast a mix of what has been sent through the station’s 96-years lifespan, in particular music programs but also historical radio clips about and from the station itself.
Exactly at 18 [17.00 UTC], Queen Margrethe’s New Year’s speech will be broadcast live, after which the well-known pause signal “Jeg drømte mig en drøm i nat” [I dreamed a dream last night] fades out and will mark the final switch off of the signal.
Kalundborg Langbølgesender FB group (2023-12-18)

The carrier is switched on some minutes before the start of the interval signal (IS) and stays on for some time after the end of each broadcast.

For a fine reception, you should use the very sensitive Danish SDR (Software Defined Radio) located near Skanderborg in Eastern Jutland: www.
Also, there is generally very good reception using the University Enschede Twente SDR receiver, and north German SDRs.

About the programs:
The interval signal (IS) at the start of the broadcasts is a recording of the mechanically played IS and is an old Danish song, “I dreamt a dream tonight about silk and rich clothes…“. It was used for the first time on August 28, 1931.
The other interval signal heard is composed for the long wave broadcasts.
Weather forecasts: They were broadcast directly from the Danish Meteorological Office. The forecasts terminated at 11.45 CET on November 1st, 2023, and were replaced by a short info program and
interval signal.
The News relays are taken from DR’s P4.
The Church Service is broadcast live from the Cathedral of Copenhagen, but remotely controlled. Also broadcast on DR P2 and DR TV channel 2.
The Excercises, “ Body and Movement“, are a number of old recordings, each lasting 10 minutes.
Marine Intelligence, broadcast from the Defence Operations Center, including gunnery practices at the end. The information is repeated.

The very last broadcast is on December 31, at 17.40-approx. 18.30 CET. Information in Danish about the closure of 243 kHz: (use Google translate).