
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

China AM ID Database, now available online

A project in the works since May 2021 
This database is the most comprehensive look at Chinese-language radio on the Internet with top-of-hour station IDs and time pips for 636 stations broadcasting in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. This guide, consisting of 1,515 station IDs, amounts to 53 hours of primarily studio-quality audio covering more than 95% of the Chinese-language AM band.
With stations organized both by frequency and alphabetically, it has never been easier for those in the radio hobby to identify unknown stations. In addition, audio clips of nearly 30 languages are featured with related educational resources, making identification of languages an easy process for those otherwise unfamiliar with what they are hearing.
I've helped a lot of you with your Chinese UNIDs in RealDX and it has been a fun challenge and pleasure to do so. When I first started listening to Chinese radio while living in Korea, I knew nothing and could ID almost nothing, relying solely on the help of others at a time when Chinese DXers were sparse and hard to find outside Chinese-language forums that required login assistance. I will be forever grateful to those few people for their help and now hope I can help others who need it with the knowledge and experience I have obtained in the 13 years since then. I am primarily an FM DXer and haven't listened to AM in years, but helping all of you ID your clips in this group and knowing that feeling of happiness resulting from a new catch and solved UNID was the main motivation for starting this little project.

I hope you will check out this completed project, a valuable educational and historical archive of radio in East Asia, and let me know your thoughts.

(Chris Kadlec/MWCircle iog)