
Friday, January 12, 2024

Jan 2024 PAL now available


Pacific - Asian Log (PAL Guide) January. 2024 issue, now available at

Hello everyone: 

The January 2024 edition of the Pacific Asian Log (PAL) is now available. It can be downloaded from the Radioheritage website (click on either of the links on the home page). Members of the IRCA list can also download the PAL from the files page  

As usual, many changes and updates have been incorporated into this latest edition.  They include new web links, updated station listings, and some minor organization and presentation tweaks 

Comments and updates from users are welcome and encouraged.  They can be sent to 

First issued in 2001, The PAL lists medium-wave and domestic shortwave broadcasting stations in southern and eastern Asia and the Pacific.   It lists about 4500 stations in over 50 countries, with frequencies, call signs, locations, power, networks, websites, streaming audio,  schedules, languages, formats, networks, and other information. 
(Bruce Portzer)