
Monday, January 08, 2024

Selection of logs from NASWA Flashsheet

All times UTC

3310  BOLIVIA.  R Mosoj Chaski, Jan 7, 0130z.  Totally a list log. I could hear a man speaking but I couldn’t really tell if it was Quecha or Spanish (or anything else). My most recent log of this station was in 2009. I first detected a het just after my local sunset (LSS 2339z) so I kept checking back every 15 minutes until audio overcame the noise at about 0115. (Lenamon, TX)

4775  PERU.  R Tarma, Jan 5, 1015z, in Spanish.  from their mountaintop T-site above Tarma. Don Moore has an interesting story about the station on Thomas Witherspoon’s blog at “ ”. Good signal at 1015 but sinking into the noise by 1115, gone by 1130. Tarma LSR 1055z. Tarma to central Texas is about 3300 miles at 335º. (Lenamon, Tx)

5915  MYANMAR.  Myanmar Radio, Naypyidaw, 12.26.23.  fair signal already 'in' and fqy clear from 1237 with OM in Burmese in talks, perhaps newscast or commentary. Peak signal 1310 with YL in Burmese. Good but hash underneath from neighborhood Christmas lights. Not a peep from Myanmar on 5985 this morning, though, with too much spillover QRM from blaring 5980 Marti. (Perry – Il)

6200  CHINA.  Voice of Jinling, Nanjing, 12.26.23.  great signal this morning and noted with exact same recorded programming as always. Ads in progress at 1228 then into Joker Xue with keyboard theme song 1230. Don't they ever get bored of this recorded half-hour every local evening at this time? (Perry – Il)

11720  VIETNAM.  V Of Vietnam, Dec 31, 1315z, in Vietnamese.  Listed in Aoki from Xuan Mai with 100 kw ND. HFCC also lists Xuan Mai but with 50 kw at 187º using a 2 x 4 curtain. However I can’t find on Google Earth a transmitter site where Xuan Mai should be (near 20 43n 105 33e). Son Tay does have a curtain at 187º so my guess is Son Tay is the current site and that Xuan Mai is retired but maybe still on the books. Another clue, there was no perceptible break in programming at 1330 during the listed changeover from Xuan Mai to Son Tay. Son Tay to central Texas is about 8500 miles at 23º. (Lenamon, Tx)

15110  ALGERIA.  Ifrikya FM, Dec 27, 2025z, in French to central Africa via Bechar.   300 kw at 131º. At the same time I could hear the same program on 15160 from Ouargla also with 300 kw at 210º, both listings courtesy of HFCC. However Aoki shows just the opposite with Bechar on 15160 and Ouargla on 15110, both in Arabic. In this case I’m inclined to believe HFCC since what I heard was indeed in French plus the fact that 15110 was noticeably better than 15160. I typically pick up Bechar better off the back of their array than I do Ouargla off the side of their array. Both arrays are 2 wide x 2 high curtains.  Bechar to central Texas is about 5400 miles at 300º. Ouargla is about 5700 miles at 303º. (Lenamon, Tx)

21630  ASCENSION ISLAND.  BBC,  Jan 7, 1630, in English to Africa, or at least the portion that is south of the equator.   125 kw at 114º. The first part of a two-hour bloc on this frequency with an azimuth change to 85º at 1700 for central and east Africa. Ascension Island to central Texas is about 6000 miles at 302º. (Lenamon, Tx)

(NASWA #1133/1/7/2024)