
Thursday, March 14, 2024

Blog Logs

 Welcome to the March 2024 edition of Blog Logs. Thank you for your email, and welcome to the new contributors for this edition. 

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Bog Logs Issue # 3
Language services as indicated.
// denotes heard on a parallel frequency
*Sign-on - sign-off *
All frequencies in kilohertz (kHz)
SDR or receivers as listed.
All times UTC

Monitored Feb 20-March 13, 2024 

Saudi Arabia
882 SBA Quran Radio (10 kW Buraydah) 1825-1835. Quran recitations in Arabic on // 531, 558, 567, 657, 765, 792, 810, 936 kHz. (G. Van Horn/Kiwi Qatar) 
630 SBA Radio Jeddah (20 kW Jizan) 1835-1840.Quran recitations in Arabic on // 612, 684, 702, 747, 927, 1035, 1044, 1080, 1089, 1098, 1116, 1206, 1215 kHz. (Van Horn/Kiwi Qatar) 
594 SBA Call of Islam (50 kW Makkah) 1910-1920. Quran recitations in Arabic on // 783, 1422 kHz (Van Horn/Kiwi Qatar)

United Kingdom/Isle of Man
1368 Manx Radio (20 kW Foxdale) 1715-1720. Afternoon show with Alex Brindley. U.S. pop vocals, local ads for restaurants, Shop Rite store, singing local scrap metal ads, Manx Memorials, and singing ID for Manx Radio.  (Van Horn, Kiwi UK) Website: 
1458 Lyca Radio (125 kW Brookmans Park) 1725-1730. Asian pop vocals to station promo, contest offers plus an ad for clothing store. (Van Horn) Station website: 
United States
1150 WJBO Baton Rouge, LA 1648-1700. News radio format with Clay & Buck show. Station IDs and ads for Baton Rouge. (Van Horn, LA/Airspy+Discovery)
1200 WOAI San Antonio, TX 2000-2030. Afternoon syndicated programming to station news and traffic updates. (Van Horn)  
1320 WRJW Picayune, MS 1635-1640. Classical country from Ray Price to ad for Sonic in Picayune, First Place Express Car Wash. Canned station ID for AM/FM for Pearl County, Mississippi. (Van Horn)
1460 WXOK Baton Rouge, LA 1702-1710. Urban gospel vocals to canned ID (Van Horn)
1540 WFNO Gretna, LA 1645-1650. Tejan vocals to Spanish rap. Station ID/freq (Van Horn)
1550 WPFC Baton Rouge, LA 1655-1700. Urban gospel vocals to station program promotional and ID, followed by the sermon. (Van Horn) 
1600 KLEB Golden Meadow, LA. 1630-1645. Local ads for Golden Meadows to station ID and Queen’s, We Will Rock You. (Van Horn)

6075, KNLS Anchor Point. *0800-0811. Station interval signal to English religious programming. SINPO 15421 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain/BDXC) 

Ascension Island
11810 BBC World Service 0635-0650. News-Talk format discussing world events. Fair-good signal to 0659* (F Hilton, SC) 

15320, Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra. 1159-1209. English program to “thank you for tuning to Radio Reach Beyond Australia.” Station interval signal to “welcome to the program…from Reach Beyond Australia.” Religious text. SINPO  35433 (Méndez) 
11875, via Kununurra 1345 with Punjabi religious service to station info, website, and address for fair-good signal (Hilton, SC)

3310, Radio Chaski, Cochabamba. 2350-0000. Fair-poor signal of Bolivian music. Barely making it through poor conditions. Station’s website in down, but the audio stream is available at (Van Horn/Kiwi Paraguay)

4930, Voice of America relay 0335. National news on technology // 6080. SINPO 34442 (Jonathan Slayton, MS) 

4885, Rádio Clube do Pará, Belem, 2350-0030. Portuguese programming with announcer’s chat, Station ID, and national news. (Van Horn/Kiwi Paraguay) 

6010, Rádio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2110-2135 with live soccer coverage // 15190 kHz. SINPO 15431 (Méndez) 

9665, Rádio Voz Missionaria, Cambourú 0123. Portuguese religious sermon. No ID was observed at 0130 as the sermon continued for fair signal (Ed Cichorek, NJ/NASWA) 11750, 2034-2053. Religious vocals to ID “Voz Missionaria” // 9665 (Méndez) 

11815, Rádio Brasil Central, Goiania. 0548-0621. English and Brazilian pops to “Madrugada Musical.” Distorted signal. SINPO 35433. (Méndez)

15414.8, Rádio Clube de Ribeirão Preto, 1903-2131. Portuguese comments from male/female duo. Brazilian music to “Campeonato Paulista” relaying Radio Bandeirates soccer coverage and IDing as “Radio Bandeirantes futebol.” SINPO 24322. (Méndez)

5050, Beibu Bay Radio, Nanning, 1238. Poor-fair signal, just fading up during orchestra music // 9820. China Radio International on 5915, 1043 with fair signal for Russian service // 7290. No sign of 5915 kHz Myanmar. China’s Voice of Jingling, Nanjing on 6200 at 1310. Chinese news conversation (Ralph Perry, IL/NASWA) CRI 5965 at 1514 in Russian to Siberia. Excellent signal, minor QRN. (Vince Henley, WA/NASWA).

6050, HCJB Pichincha 0441-0447. Spanish program “Ritmos y Canciones de Nuestra Tierra.” Ecuadorian music and comments. SINPO 25432 (Méndez)

11660, Trans World Radio, 1721. Listed service as Amharic for religious vocals, lady’s station announcement to TWR chimes, interval, and sign-off (Harold Sellers, Vernon, BC Canada). Website: 

9620, Akashvani, Bengaluru, 2021-2031*. Hindi music vocals to lady’s French text. Nice station ID at 2028, followed by instrumental music to closedown for fair-good signal (Rich D’Angelo, PA/NASWA). Farsi service on 9620 at 1642 with Spotlight program. Poor signal with co-channel China (Sellers). 11805 Ashkavani, Bengaluru 1310. Pashto service with presumed local news (S Wright, MS) 

6055, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, *0600-0635. English religious vocals observed at sign-on after three days absence. (Wright). 

13830, Vatican Radio relay at 1631. English service for scripture readings from book of Genesis. Very good signal // 15565 (Sellers). 

6184.97 XEPPM-Radio Educacion-Cultura Mexico Senal Internacional 0503-0515. Spanish conversations with poor signal quality, better in USB for clarity. (Gianni Serra, Italy/NASWA). 
Mexican folk vocals were observed from 0235-0300. (Hilton)

12085, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, *0900-0914. Station interval signal to “Welcome to the Voice of Mongolia in English.” National news and comments. SINPO 25432 (Méndez) 

5955, Radio Veronica, Westdorpe. 0554-0612. English pop oldies music to Dutch comments. Station ID “Radio Veronica.” SINPO 35433 (Méndez)

6020, Radio Casanova, 0641-0655. English pop tunes to “Radio Casanova” and Dutch comments. SINPO 35433 (Méndez)

6110, Radio Delta International, Elburg 0537-0613. Oldies tune from Simon and Garfunkel’s Mrs. Robinson.’ “Radio Delta” ID and website SINPO 35433.Monitoring 0805-0846 on 12030 kHz (Méndez)

6140, Radio Onda Borculo, 1622-1701. Radio Senado program “Brasil Sertanejo,”  Sertanejo music program to Portuguese comments. Station ID “A Radio Onda, a primeiro  programa de música brasileira nas Ondas curtas…para a comunidade brasiliera y Portuguese …” SINPO 35433 (Méndez)

North Korea
11645, Voice of Korea, 1612 in English with newscast. Signal poor quality with het QRM. Noted on 11710 at 151 with English service on the political commentary of United States, United Nations, and Israel concerning the Israeli-Hamas war. Signal good on // 9435 and 12015 as poor quality (Sellers).

4810, Radio Logos, Chazuta, 1035. Poor signal for Spanish religious text, only audible in LSB, which eliminates QRM from CODAR. (Ralph Perry, IL/NASWA) 

12120, Radyo Pilipinas 1731. Station ID “Radyo Pilipinas, the Voice of the Philippines.” Filipino service with additional IDs, frequencies, and website for “Radyo Pilipinas World Service.” Heard // 9925 kHz with very weak signal (Sellers).
9400, FEBC Radio Liangyou 1, 1317. Lady’s Mandarin commentary. Poor to fair signal (Bob Brossel, WI/NASWA). 
11565, Radio Free Asia, Tinian 1650. Mandarin service hardly makes it through signal jamming due to poor signal quality (Slayton). 
11570, VOA relay via Tinang 1200. Korean service with good reception (Wright)

4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe. 1930-1950. Fair-poor signal of Tajik program items. (Van Horn) Tajikistan, Radioi Tojikiston, 4765 kHz (100 kW Dushanbe (Yangiyul) 09 Oct. 2020 at Shortwave Central YouTube  
15515, AWR Tajikistan relay, 1447. Religious sign-on tune What a Friend We Have in Jesus to Hindi service. Station ID “you’re listening to Adventist World Radio” to various multilingual IDs and closing announcements for fair-poor signal (Sellers).

São Tomé
11900, Voice of America relay at 2020. Fair-good programming for English/French programming to station ID and information (B Clement, WA) 

South Korea
6015, KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1 via Hwaeong, 1229 check with fair-good signal and no jamming noted for Korean discussion (Perry).

Sri Lanka
9765, Adventist World Radio 1549. Listed as Oriya service with an ongoing religious sermon to closing prayer and vocal tune. Station contact info and AWR website as Announcement included email address in India (Sellers).

9840, Voice of Vietnam, 1500 with English sign-on and welcome to listeners. Program preview and national newscast. Fair signal quality. Audible on 11885 kHz at 1607 with English service (Sellers). Noted on 7220 in Vietnamese at 1540-1555. Asian pop vocals to announcer’s chat for fair signal via Sontay (Van Horn).