
Friday, March 08, 2024

News on LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel

LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, status info:

Alejandro Petrecca (Chief of the LRA1 TX Plant) and Claudio Garcia (technical operator of Radio Nacional El Bolson and amateur radio operator with previous experience at LRA 36) finally arrived at Joint Antarctic Base Esperanza. Their mission is to perform maintenance and optimization work on the audio chain, install a new console, and place the FM antenna and the tower that will be used for the new LRA 36 shortwave transmitter.

Upon arrival, they discovered that the output stage of the Collins HF 80 transmitter, which is used to transmit LRA 36 programs on 15476 kHz, was burned out. They also found that the tower sections for the shortwave antenna and the audio console had not yet arrived at the base. LRA 36 broadcast regularly until January 13.

Then, Juan Benavente, the architect of many LRA 36's achievements in recent years, was recalled. With Benavente's departure, the radio was left in the hands of unqualified people, which is evident by the fact that the transmitter burned out the day after he left.

The cause of the fire is being investigated. Juan and Nicole Valdebenito (operator) know the sequences necessary to start up the transmitter by heart, but this was not the case with those who came after them.

Currently, Petrecca and Garcia are installing the FM antenna for local coverage. It is estimated that the new Studio Console and audio distributor donated by Trialcom will arrive at Joint Antarctic Base Esperanza by the end of next week. The output board of the transmitter is also being sent to replace the burned one and keep it in operation during February.

If Juan Benavente had been coordinating, none of these situations would have occurred. Unfortunately, political favors promoted by the previous administration left LRA 36 abandoned in its most important mission, which is shortwave transmission. I estimate that if they agree and the planets align, we could resume LRA36 shortwave broadcasts before the end of February. 
(Adrian Korol Director of RAE via Horacio Nigro-Uruguay CX3BZ / DXplorer)

Juan Benevente confirms that a new 10 kW transmitter is due to be delivered this year.

LRA36 often takes breaks around this time of year - midsummer.
(Manual Mendez-Spain / British DX Club)

There were special tests conducted on February 2nd (Fri) and 3rd (Sat) that were widely reported. (R_A_D)
('Listener's Notebook' by Richard A. D'Angelo-PA-USA via
NASWA Journal #3 - page #26 / 27 ; of March 8, 2024)