
Friday, March 01, 2024

Radio Igloo to air on March 2

On Saturday, March 2, 2024, a new program from Radio Igloo will be on the air.

The West Coast DX-Club will have a listening camp in a cabin in the woods north of Gothenburg next weekend.

To draw attention to this, Radio Igloo will be on air with a new program with a mix of information and music with Swedish artists.

For the first time, the program will be broadcast simultaneously from at least four different transmitters, on different frequencies, and from different locations in Central Europe.

This has been possible thanks to our radio friends in Central Europe.

The program will be broadcast on Saturday, March 2 at 17.00 Central European Time (16.00 UTC) on   5010 or 5040, 5840 ,6260 , and 6300  kHz. (or on free frequencies nearby).

  Presumably the program will be rebroadcast the following day at 15.00 CET but then only on 6300 kHz.