
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

North Korea a hot spot to monitor

With appeals to urgently abandon any plans to test-launch a long range missle, looks like North Korea moves to the head of the list, of country's to keep an eye on.
The United States, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea have warned Pyongyang against the test, appealing to the North to act with restraint.
The following English schedule have been monitored on shortwave, and represent MT's most current listings.

Voice of Korea
All times UTC, frequencies kHz
Target areas:
af Africa; am Americas
as Asia; ca Cenral America
eu Europe; na North America
va various areas

0100-0200 7140as 9345as 9730am 11735ca 13760ca 15180ca
0200-0300 7140as 9345as 9730as
0300-0400 7140as 9345as 9730as
1000-1100 6185as 6285am 9335ca 9850as
1300-1400 7570eu 9335na 11710na 12015eu 13760eu 15245eu
1500-1600 7570eu 9335na 11710na 12015eu 13760eu 15245eu
1600-1700 9990va 11545va
1800-1900 7570eu 12015eu 13760eu 15245eu
1900-2000 7100af 9975va 11535va 11910af
2100-2200 7570eu 12015eu 13760eu 15245eu