
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

World Cup Amateur Radio Special Event Station

German radio amateurs plan to celebrate the 2006 Football World Cup being held in their country by putting on a number of special event stations.
From now until 16 July, no less than 26 special district stations (with callsigns in the DQ2006A to DQ2006Z range) will be on the air. There will also be 12 special stadium stations with callsigns DR2006B, DR2006C, etc. The special callsign WFC06 will also be in operation throughout the World Cup.Amateurs or short wave listeners who log these special event stations could be eligible for a series of awards sponsored by the Deutsche Amateur Radio Club.
There will be three awards available: bronze, silver and gold. To achieve the bronze award, an amateur must log four stadium special event stations, six district stations and 25 DL stations. The silver award requires the operator to log 10 stadium stations, 20 district stations and 100 DL stations. For the gold award, an amateur or short wave listener must log 12 stadium stations, 24 district stations and 200 DL stations.All the logs must take place between 1 May and 31 July. There are no band limitations. Participants can use any mode of operation except packet radio or Echo Link.
For further information about the awards, contact Otto Cecetka at e-mail address
Southgate Amateur Radio Club