
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Radio Sonar set for weekend broadcast

Radio Sonar will be broadcasting Saturday July 22, from 1900-2100 UTC on 6265 kHz (or between 6240 - 6280 kHz)
Programming will consist of a two hour show with progressive German rock music and English tracks - presented in German and English. The DJ's also plan to share listener's letter during the program.
Radio Sonor transmits with only 35 watts! Here's a chance for the European audience to fire up their receivers and nab this very low-powered station.Sonar certifies reception reports with QSL's and mp3-files are appreciated.

Email your reports to: or phone the station during the broadcast at:
Tel: + 49 (0) 176 - 262 171 42

(Source: DJ Dycke/HCDX )